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Our Story


Our Story

How I Met the Love of My Life

"We first saw eachother at Kierra and Kameron Samson's wedding July 28th, 2018. He came into town for a hiking trip with my Uncle Troy Anderson and I was the maid of honor at my sister's wedding. Accidentally forgetting to reserve rooming, my uncle puts them in our garage to stay for the night. To our surpise after a busy night of partying, we awake to two strangers the next morning. When I found out that such a cute, sweet boy had stayed in our garage I couldn't help but be a little shy and embarrassed. After laughing at the whole thing we part ways as I secretly wished I could see him again."  -Kyla


    "I first saw her at the wedding of Kierra and Kam. I was coming into town for a backpacking trip, that I almost backed out of. But my brother in law talked me into it and I'm very grateful, because that is how I met my future wife. On my way down I was told that we were going to wedding crash last minute. I was so nervous but it was a lot of fun. Afterwards, Troy took us to someone's garage to crash for the night, not knowing that it was the home of this beautiful girl. The next morning, I saw Kyla walk down the stairs and I just stared. We officially introduced ourselves, talked and laughed and then it was time for us to part off to the mountains. I was hoping to see her again. The entire time I was in the mountains I was just thinking about this girl and trying to subtly get information from her uncle and cousin I was packing with. When we finally got out of the mountains the first people that I saw were Kyla and her family. I was so happy cause that is what I dreamed about when I was in the mountains. Afterward, we went to dinner and I sat in front of Kyla. I just zoned everyone else out as we talked about our lives and our goals until we had to leave. As we parted ways I did not want to go... I had already started to fall for her. I wanted to come back as soon as I could, so I looked for any excuse. I found some! With the help of many friends.



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